WES Counseling Page

Mission Statement

Supporting the social and emotional growth of all WES students so they can get to work on learning!

Counselors’ Corner

As the weather cools, some families may have concerns about meeting their heating needs this winter. Know that there is help. Below are some names and phone numbers for programs and organizations that provide heating assistance. Some of these are on a first come, first served basis so it’s in your best interest to get started soon. Feel free to contact your School Counselor with questions or if you would like some help. Neera Harmon (nharmon@wiscassetschools.org)

LIHEAP (Low-income home KVCAP 800-542-8227

energy assistance program)

Community Energy Fund 563-3883

MMCA (Midcoast Maine 800-221-2221

Community Action)

Salvation Army Wiscasset/ 882-7184

St. Phillips Church

Wiscasset General 882-8200 x 103 Assistance

What is a School Counselor?

A school counselor is the person in your child’s school who explicitly supports the social/emotional, career, and academic growth of all students.

How do they do this?

The school counselor sees ALL students in the building as their responsibility. To meet the needs of the entire student body, the school counselor offers:

Lessons in all grades. Topics often include problem-solving, conflict resolution skills, career and safety lessons among others depending on the grade level.

• Groups. Topics may include friendship and social skills, grief, family changes, and/or self-esteem based on the needs of the student body.

•Individual support. Students needing private support may meet with the counselor for a short period of time. If the issue appears to be a longer-term issue, the school counselor will discuss with the parents/guardians other options for longer-term support in or out of the school building.

•Other duties. Consulting with parents, teachers, and administrators. Connecting families to area resources. 

Who We Are


Wiscasset Elementary School Mental Health Team

Neera Harmon, School Counselor and Sam Giese, School Social Worker comprise the mental health team at WES.  Our goal is to help students meet their full academic potential by addressing the social- emotional needs of all students.  We do this by teaching skills, meeting with students one-on-one and partnering with parents and families.

Both of us will be teaching lessons in grades K-5 on topics related to social emotional learning. These include: making and keeping friends; managing big feelings and knowing how to calm down; solving conflicts and problems with others; learning about new careers; and practicing skills that will keep us safe, responsible and respectful.

Please feel free to reach out to either of us at any time!

Neera Harmon: nharmon@wiscassetschools.org, (207) 882-7767 x333

Sam Giese: sgiese@wiscassetschools.org, (207) 882-7767 x314



Midcoast Resources

Midcoast Counselors


Why Elementary School Counselors? 

Ten Tips for Your Child’s Success in School 

Why Kids Need Structure 


NAMI Maine:  Parent support groups for caregivers/parents of children with a mental illness; classes; resources library. 

Healthy Kids: Parenting classes, support groups.  https://www.healthykidsmaine.org/




Contact Info

Neera Harmon, nharmon@wiscassetschools.org. (207) 882-7767 x 333

Monday, Wednesday and Thursday

Statement of Confidentiality

To respect the rights and relationships of students and parents, information shared with us will remain confidential with the exception of student safety, if required by law, or if given permission by the child and/or parent

Our goal is for each student to shine socially, emotionally and academically in a safe, positive environment.