Wiscasset School Department believes both school and community are strengthened when students attend school in the place they reside. This is supported by Maine State Law, Title 20-A: Education, Part 3: Elementary and Secondary Education, Chapter 213: Student Eligibility, Subsection 5202 that states: A person is eligible to attend schools in the school administrative unit where the person's parent resides, where the person resides upon reaching the age of 18 years or upon becoming an emancipated minor.

It is possible to request a Transfer Agreement to attend another school outside of a student's home district if both Superintendents and the parents/guardians agree it would be in the student's best interest to do so.

To request a transfer to Wiscasset Schools, begin by asking the Superintendent of your student's home district for a Transfer Agreement Application.

To request a transfer out of Wiscasset School Department, complete a Wiscasset Transfer (Superintendent) Agreement Application and submit to the Wiscasset Central Office, cyoung@wiscassetschools.org.

You will hear a decision from the Wiscasset Superintendent of Schools after both Superintendents have approved or denied the request.