Wiscasset School Department and LincolnHealth Partners consider School-Based Health Center (SBHC) at Wiscasset Middle High School (WMHS)
For complete information about LincolnHealth School-Based Health Centers, check out their website:
LincolnHealth School-Based Health Centers
Frequently Asked Questions:
Why open an SBHC at WMHS?
School-based health centers (SBHCs) help keep students healthy and in school so parents can stay at work.
When would the SBHC at WMHS open?
The proposed plan is to have the SBHC at WMHS ready to open for the 2024-2025 school year.
Where would the SBHC at WMHS be located?
The SBHC at WMHS would be located across the hall from the school nurse's office.
What services would be provided?
LincolnHealth care team members would be available to:
evaluate and treat medical conditions such as coughs and colds, strains and sprains, ear aches, acne, sore throat, flu, and more.
provide well-child checks and immunizations
offer mental health services
Who are the service providers?
Service providers at the WMHS SBHC include a medical assistant, a Licensed Nurse Practitioner, and Licensed Clinical Social Workers.
How do patients pay?
LincolnHealth accepts private health insurance, MaineCare, CarePartners, and self-payment. They will provide services for anyone regardless of their ability to pay and they can help with MaineCare and CarePartners applications.
What is the cost to Wiscasset School Department?
There is no cost to Wiscasset School Department or WMHS.
What about parental consent?
Parents would sign a consent form for students to be able to access services at the WMHS SBHC except in some cases. LincolnHealth says, "Questions that teens may have related to drug and alcohol use, mental health, sexually transmitted disease and family planning may not require parental notification or permission."
Do other schools have SBHCs in Lincoln County?
Yes! See the map below for other high schools in Lincoln County that have SMHCs.
All other questions and concerns can be directed to the Wiscasset School Department, Cynthia Young, at 207-882-4104, or cyoung@wiscassetschools.org.